
Beth Carlson, MPAS, PA-C"You go with your strengths; it makes life a lot easier," says Geneva's new Director of Health Services, Beth Carlson, MPAS, PA-C. Her strength is the practice of medicine, 她已经让需要医疗保健的bwin体育学生的生活变得更加轻松.

卡尔森一个月前开始管理bwin体育的医务室和健康服务中心,之前护士康妮·欧文退休了, who served students for more than three decades. Carlson, who has already seen dozens of patients, 感激有机会在校园里照顾大学生的健康需求吗.

“当我把职位描述读给我丈夫听时,他说,‘贝丝,这是你的简历,’”她回忆道. "It's administrative; it's patient care; it's mentoring college students… This is all of my experiences and career put together in one.在过去的18年里,她一直在世俗环境中担任医师助理,现在她很喜欢bwin体育的基督教环境. "We pray before meetings," she gushes.

为人类经营一家健康诊所并不是卡尔森最初的梦想. 作为一个在默瑟附近的家庭农场长大的女人, PA, 她打算成为甘农大学的一名大型动物兽医. At the time, 她的顾问建议她放弃农场兽医的研究,因为他认为老派的农民可能会抵制女兽医照顾他们的动物. 相反,他说服她将专业改为医疗技术. 她并不后悔转学到蒂尔bwin体育(Thiel College),开始在实验室工作. 这段经历使她在一家医生办公室管理实验室数年. 然后,她决定继续她的学业和医生助理的职业生涯,并成为一名28岁的已婚学生,有一个一岁的儿子. 

在匹兹堡查塔姆大学获得医师助理研究硕士学位后, 卡尔森以兼职讲师的身份加入了该bwin体育,教授实验室测试课程, immunology and the practices of labs. 

“It's administrative; it's patient care; it's mentoring college students… This is all of my experiences and career put together in one.”

Dir. Carlson cares for Geneva student patient卡尔森最近在传统谷医疗集团任职 Stephen J. Osmanski, MD, she had a patient roster of 1,800. While she will miss these patients, 她对中殿医务室提供的机会感到高兴.

医务室为学生提供的日常服务是免费的. “当他们告诉我这是一项免费的学生服务时,我很惊讶,”她解释说. “在我的世界里,你必须每天看这么多病人来支付日常开支."

卡尔森在担任该中心主任期间有宏伟的计划. For starters, 她正在建立一个实验室,希望将bwin体育的医务室升级为紧急护理服务场所,并为学生提供日常服务. 她亦希望引进病人电子健康纪录(EHR),以持续改善医疗服务 安全、有效、以病人为中心、沟通、教育、及时性、效率 and equity.

She is looking forward to, once again, serving and working with college students, 当她在比弗县社区bwin体育担任讲师时,她有机会体验到这个群体, Butler County Community College and Chatham.

作为私人助理,卡尔森必须在医生的授权下工作. Her physician is Jason A. Rodriguez, M.D and she is also linked to Dr. Osmanski. 尽管管理她在bwin体育的私人助理任务有很多要求, she says, "(God) opened every door for me to be here, so we're going to just keep on rolling."

卡尔森的心不仅是关怀大学生的沃土, 她在多米尼加共和国的医疗任务中为她所服务的人们提供了一个特殊的位置. 今年1月,她完成了第四次去那里,并希望尽可能多地去那里. 

The Health Services Center / Nave Infirmary is open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for walk in visits. It is located in the lower level of McKee Hall. 主入口在大楼的北端.  

From the Geneva Blog:
10 Ways to Use a B.A. in Biblical Studies


圣经研究专业的学生经常寻求与事工相关的职业. 还有很多其他的方法可以让学士学位在为他人服务方面发挥更大的作用. 以下是10个职业选择,圣经研究学位为其提供了坚实而神圣的圣经基础.

1)家庭和儿童社会工作者:帮助贫困的儿童和家庭, homelessness, domestic abuse, 或歧视呼唤你的慈悲和无条件的爱的本性. 在美国,确保儿童获得成长所需的社会和心理支持是一项艰巨的任务. More >>

August 2018

bwin体育bwin体育社区将于8月31日星期五上午10点10分聚集在一起.m. 在Metheny Fieldhouse举行传统的学术毕业典礼,标志着2018秋季学期的开始. Convocation will be livestreamed at Geneva.edu/live.
周二,bwin体育bwin体育的员工们一起参加了一年一度的祈祷早餐, August 21, to pray for God’s blessings on the college, its programs and departments, its leadership, faculty and staff, its neighbors, 尤其是对新生和返校的学生.
Geneva College Sponsoring the Refugee & Immigrant Care Conference
Geneva College Sponsoring the Refugee & Immigrant Care Conference
Geneva College is sponsoring the Refugee & 移民关怀会议:聆听全球视角 & 9月17日,周一,上午8:30.m. to 4 p.m. 在匹兹堡的阿勒格尼中心联盟教会(ACAC).

“我的身份与我的成就无关. It is something I can be proud of, and it can be part of who I am, but even when I fail, I know who I am in Christ, and that is what matters most.” ...Read more

- Belle Henry Biochemistry

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